Friday, October 31, 2008

Ghost story:The huanting at C.I.S.339

There once was a teacher named Mr.M at C.I.S339. He was a grumpy, cranky, angry, scary man. He is a person you do not want to mess with. If you get him angry he will scream at you, making his lungs come out.Everyone always hate when we have him for class.

Everyone always talked about him. He heard people talk about him all the time. Mr.M was getting tired of this. One day a group of his students made a rumor about him, and he found out.
On his way home he was was thinking of a way to get revenge. But suddenly a car accidentally hit him and he died.
Everyone heard about this. But no one was sad. Everybody celebrated. Mr.M died 2 days before halloween. The day of halloween. Mr.M huanted C.IS339, including the kids that made up the rumor about him. ONEDAY 8TH period they went to the bathroom and never came out. Now that bathroom is known C.I.S3339 's huanted bathroom

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